今天聽到一首很有趣的歌,叫做《全世界我最喜歡你 (可是你都不知道) 》,歌不錯聽,詞也很好玩,作詞/作曲/演唱都是同一個人,叫做鄭焙隆(阿焙)。影片中吹長笛跟合音的女生是他的妹妹鄭焙檍,他們兩人組成一個叫做「來吧!焙焙!」的團體,名字是取自"Come on Baby"的諧音,很特別吧!影片是他們2008年在「河岸留言」的現場演唱錄影。
Here we say goodbye (我們在此別離)
This is where I'll lay your body down (我將讓你在此棲義民靈地埋息)
Where the beasts of burden testify (馱屍的牛群就是證據)
They have come to rest on hallowed ground (烈士們欲在此聖地止息)
This is where we say goodbye (在這別離之地)
All around the people cry (嚎聲四處)
How could so many people die (奈何傷亡如是)
Two-hundred-forty sacrificed (兩佰四十名犧牲者赴死)
And this is where I realize (在此令我領悟)
This is where we say goodbye (在這別離之地)